Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Three things that relate to my work

Three things that relate to my work

1)      Music

 I have chosen Ludovico Einaudi’s album ‘Night Book’ as my first source of inspiration.   

Music is one of the many influences which affects the way I work as an artist. Music is the source for the majority of my ideas, e.g. both the lyrics, which can help influence titles and ideas for work, and the feelings or mixed emotions which you can experience when you’re listening to a piece of music. I will listen to music when I create my work, which helps me to relax and become focused on visually creating an art piece. I also play the piano in-between my drawings and paintings, this allows me to think about ideas, and opens me up to be more creative. There seems to be a link between art and music in my studio practice, where one musical idea will help influence the ideas surrounding my art and vice versa.

2)      Artist – Helen Parsley
I’ve been inspired by Helen Parsley for a couple of years now, since seeing her world displayed at the ‘Art in the Gardens Exhibition, Sheffield. I was in awe of the way she creates beautiful visionary scenery, often capturing people in famous, iconic places.
 She is a realist; I’m influenced by her high level of skill, the way she applies acrylic onto canvas, in order to create photo-realistic images, however applying texture and hinting movement in her brush strokes, which adds a unique stamp to the image.

1)      The world around me
It’s the things that I experience, the moments that I see, which captivate me as an artist to produce work. I will capture anything of interest, that I am visually aware of, onto camera, which I then will produce my art from. The people around me all relate to my art practice, as they are all possible subject matters.

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